Thursday, September 9, 2010

Franklin, MA: the sign in question

During the Citizens Comment portion of the Town Council meeting Weds evening, Ken Norman objected to the sign on the Town Common near the revamped war memorials.

Going back to May 2009, these signs were present (one in front, one further behind)

A more recent photo (March 2010) shows the enhanced sign.

This seems to be a more permanent sign than the one depicted in 2009. The coloring is aligned with the monument color scheme.

What do you think? Should the sign be there?

Franklin, MA


  1. Thanks Steve a picture is worth many words. I neglected to point out last night at the TC meeting that the Monument Committee published and passed out a booklet with all the names of people and businesses that donated their time, money, labor and materials at the dedication ceremony.

    Ken Norman

  2. Thanks, Ken. The booklet or program handed out on Memorial Day 2009 can be viewed here on Franklin Matters:
