Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finance Committee - 10/11/11

I chose to "follow the money" and attended the Finance Committee (FinCom) meeting on Tuesday evening. It was the first time that the FinCom met this fiscal year. The committee is now nine members (down from eleven) due to the charter change passed in 2009. The committee members were sworn in by the Town Clerk and then  set their organization for this fiscal year.

Jim Roche continues as Chair.
Chris Quinn was voted as Vice Chair.
Phyllis Messere was elected Clerk.

Jeff Nutting, Susan Gagne and Jim Dacey participated to help inform the new committee of the various financial process, procedures and issues that the FinCom will be facing.

Several action items were discussed in detail to provide some background for the new members before they voted. The details for the meeting are contained in the following links.

After the meeting, the committee took a new photo to update their page on the Franklin website. The listing of members will also be updated to show the current membership.

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