Hi everyone,
I hope you are enjoying the long weekend. I wanted to pass along the email (below) I received from the citizens group formed to win approval of the debt exclusion for the new high school building. It contains information if you wish to support the effort. If you have any questions or if you wish to be added to the mailing list, please feel free to contact the campaign committee at voteyesforfhs@gmail.com, or just shoot me an email.
Thank you for volunteering to help Citizens for a New Franklin High School. Together we will bring the community a modern new facility that serves our children, strengthens our great community and school system, and makes us all proud. Also, thank you to those of you who joined us Thursday night for the organizational meeting of the Citizens for a New Franklin High School. The energy in the room was amazing! There is a lot of work ahead of us to get the 5,000 - 6,000 votes we need, and we have a great plan to get there.
In case you did not sign up that evening, couldn't make the meeting or are just learning about the group, there are a lot of ways to get involved:
Donate - We have a lot of great ideas -- lawn signs, handouts, mailings, get-out-the vote efforts -- but these ideas need money to be implemented. Checks can be made out to "Citizens for a New Franklin High School" and mailed to Mary Jo Peterson, 10 Juniper Road, Franklin, MA 02038.
Register to Vote - Confirm that you are registered to vote by contacting the Town Clerk's office at 508-520-4900. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. Once the vote date is determined, a deadline for registration will be set.
Volunteer - If you are interested in helping with the get-out-the-vote effort -- planting a sign, helping our friends and neighbors get registered, obtaining an absentee ballot or voting on Election Day or many other opportunities, contact Craig or LeAnne Haba at clhaba@comcast.net.
Host - Tom Mercer, chairman of the Building Committee, as well as other committee members, have agreed to speak to various civic organizations in Franklin, and at gatherings hosted in people's homes. If you are interested in hosting a gathering in your home, please contact Laura Brand at Brandfam4@gmail.com to schedule it.
Follow Us - Follow us on Facebook on the page "Vote Yes for the New Franklin High School Building " on Twitter with the handle @sayYEStoFHS. When our website goes live next week we will circulate that as well. When in doubt, please check these resources for accurate, timely information. Feel free to ask questions on these sites. To be added to our mailing list, please email Tina Powderly at ttpowderly@gmail.com.
Please share this email with your friends, neighbors, family members and coworkers who live here in Franklin. It is important that all of us - homeowners and renters, parents or those with no connection to the school system - have the information we need to make a good decision for the vote.
Thank you!
Citizens for a New Franklin High School
Ed Cafasso
Cell: 508.259.1833
Twitter: @edcafasso
Blog: http://edcafasso.blogspot.com
Cell: 508.259.1833
Twitter: @edcafasso
Blog: http://edcafasso.blogspot.com
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