To be honest, in the past I have voted against some of the overrides because I felt that the town did not give me enough information of how the funds will be spent to make the right decision. The proponents of the new high school have put together a very clear, concise, and to the point presentation that outlines all the important facts and allows the voter to make sure they are making an informed choice. Even the comparisons for those that feel it would be much cheaper to just refurbish the current school. I want to highlight some of the key numbers:
The three original options had an estimated cost as follows (all
numbers rounded to nearest million):
Renovation #1 $86,000,000
Renovation #2 $96,000,000
New Custom School $98,000,000
The great news about the school project is that the MSBA will pay a large share of the cost depending on which option the Town chooses. The final cost of the school and the exact
reimbursement amount cannot be determined until the proposed school is approved by the MSBA and the town has received bids. However for planning purposes the following estimates were used based on assumed reimbursement from the MSBA for eligible costs.
If we look at the same three options after the estimated MSBA reimbursement amount the cost to the town would be approximately as follows:
Renovation #1 $38,000,000
Renovation #2 $43,000,000
New Custom School $47,000,000
Here is the link to their report and website:
In my opinion, it is very simple math. We can either have a state of the art school that will continue to allow Franklin to thrive, and for those that need to hear it, increase our property values, then this is an opportunity that we cannot waste. If this does not pass, you can guarantee that we will face continued budget overrides, lower property values and lower government services.
The high school is in dire need of repair. If the concern is that the new high school is not affordable, I would think that only paying 50% of the costs is much more affordable then paying 100%.
Jonathan Herndon
41 Mary Jane Road
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