DPW Director – Brutus Cantoreggi
Mike Maglio - Asst Town Engineer
2013 water system improvements
Lincoln St
Daniels St
about a mile and half of water line, will be disruptive, part of appropriation 2 years ago
Note: the document used was added later
Replace waterline
(see photo of slide to be added)
probably not start until the Fall
updating the master plan for the water line, will tie to the road condition report
Crecent and Garfield, East and West (see photos from weekend walk)
Grove St
Ledge St
Beaver st Recycling Center
highway improvements
Miller St, Green St, Wylie Rd
Prospect St
culvert repair
Panther Way - construct the sidewalk, needed for the high school
Near Parmenter School on King St (recently approved)
Crack, chip and seal
listing of roads, about $250K
Sewer system improvements
new grinder pumps at Jefferson Rd and Miliken Rd
'swifter's' stuff up the pumps
please properly dispose of these, do not put down the toilet
Downtown construction project
going out to bid this fall, most work next year
DelCarte dam project
going pretty dam good!
Lincoln St, shares bridge with Medway
phase 1, should save both towns lots of money
New DPW entrance on Hayward
sign inventory,
improve and create turning lane at Panther Way coming out to RT 140
construct new building for DPW storage, design is out for bid right now
Earth Day- Beaver St 9:00 to 1:00 on Satu Apr 27th
If you give me the money, I'll spend it
Dellorco - Panther Way, sidewalks on both sides?
Miglio - on one side, on the side of the Police Station
Street signs, standard from Federal government, now upper and lower case, so it seems lower
We have a sign shop and we save a lot of money that way
it is truly a good staff down there, it is a pretty substantial list
Adjusting hours at the recycling center is labor cost, I could put some numbers together
in the next 60 days, we'll do some patching there
one of the reasons we did the outside engineer firm to do our road condition report, so we would not have our 'inside' view. It is on the website so you can see what your rating
I have plans for other roads up there but I don't have funding for Regent Circle
I have focused on the major reconstructions on the wagon wheel roads, Chestnut street we overlay-ed it, was it the best plan, no but it works.
We don't just through darts on the wall, we have a plan
everybody in this town works with limited funds
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