public comment period on the plan opens tonight, will return Sep 18th for Town Council approval
The Master Plan document can be found here
A set of documents is coming out of this process
- goals and policies
- existing conditions
- implementation plan
Councilor Bissanti reviewed section "Land Use"
Councilor Kelly reviewed "Economic Development"
Christine Apicella reviewed "Circulation" (which covers all modes of transportation)
Chris Vericker reviewed the "Housing" section
Tim Twardowski reviewed the "Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources"
David Dobrzynski reviewed the "Open Space and Recreation" section
Nathan Carlucci reviewed the "Community Services and Facilities"
Roy recommends a committee to monitor the implementation of the Master Plan
Nathan Carlucci reviewed the "Community Services and Facilities"
Roy recommends a committee to monitor the implementation of the Master Plan
The report itself is 289 pages, and in spirit of being green, there are copies available via the website (see link above)
Public comment open through Fri, Aug 16th at 1:00 PM
will take the feedback and rework as required to bring to the Town Council for final approval in Sep.
Public Hearing at the Franklin Public Library Sat Aug 10th, 10:00 AM
Planning Board meeting date should be Sep 9th (doc shows 18th)
The school's strategic plan and goals and objectives are linked to and incorporated within the Master Plan
Powderly - thank you, commendation to all for the coordination on something that is actionable
Jones - thanks to all for stepping up to the plate on the hard work and effort to bring this to where it is today
what items are already being worked on? would be good to note that these are underway
Nutting the 1997 Master Plan while not adopted was referenced as necessary, the 2008 Open Space Plan, the Housing Plan was worked on, there was a lot more work behind the scenes by the staff that helped before the committee was appointed. It is not over yet but all the good things are the results of the good work from the employees and volunteers.
Roy - everyone who was consulted stepped up to provide as much information as required. The existing conditions report highlights what has been done. Jeff Nutting has been accomplishing great things for this community.
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