Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Live reporting - Legislation

1. Resolution 13-69: Authorization for Intermunicipal Agreement with Town of Bellingham for Shared In-Home Respite Services
funded by a grant to hire a director and three part-time people
motion to approve, passed 9-0

Mercer and Bissanti recuse themselves

2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-719: Changes to Chapter 185. Attachment 9. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard and Height Requirements – 1st Reading
motion to more to second reading, passed 5-2 (Powderly and Jones)

Powderly will not be moving this to second reading, I don't feel it is in the best interests. We have had a growth strategy, we can't support higher density at this time. There is nothing in this consistent with the Master Plan. it is not a whole list of things that are in conflict with the future.

Kelly - I think quite the opposite. Unless we are looking at smart growth opportunities, we are going to be in trouble. We need to look at what we have left and how we are going to use it. if 40B went into this lot, we would have a huge problem with the schools.

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-720: Changes to Chapter 185-4. Districts Enumerated – 1st Reading
motion to more to second reading, passed 5-2 (Powderly and Jones)

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-721: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map – 1st Reading
motion to more to second reading, passed 5-2 (Powderly and Jones)

5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-722: Changes to Chapter 185-50. Residential VII Zoning District – 1st Reading
motion to amended, passed 5-2 (Powderly and Jones)
2nd amendment suggested by property owners, under sec 2b 1b
move to strike sec 2b 1b and reletter
motion passed 6-1 (Powderly)

6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-723: Changes to Chapter 185. Use Regulations Schedule, Parts I through Parts VII – 1st Reading
motion to more to second reading, passed 5-2 (Powderly and Jones)

7. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-718: Changes to Chapter 185-7. Compliance Required – 2nd Reading
2/3rd vote required as this is a second reading
motion to approve, seconded passed 9-0 via roll call
eliminate parking lots in residential areas and allow this downtown

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