Sunday, December 22, 2013

Franklin Schools Capacity Summary

One of the more interesting worksheets handed out at the December Finance Committee meeting is this one. It summarizes the school building capacity status. The document is a printed version of a spreadsheet and one of the entries partially obscured when printed indicates that the numbers apparently remain to be validated by the School Dept/School Committee. While this is a "draft", it is worthy of sharing and discussion.

new Franklin High School
new Franklin High School

The new high school will open in September and according to the numbers shown will open at capacity (1600 students).

With the modular spaces being removed from the elementary schools, the number show that there will need to be some adjustment among the district population to take advantage of the extra capacity at some of the schools and shift from the tightness of space at other schools.

Davis Thayer's renovation options were reviewed at a meeting in August and of the three options presented, it really doesn't make a whole lots of sense to do anyone of them. The money required doesn't provide what is really needed. Never mind that the real money needed is just not availble.

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