Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Live reporting - Closing items

Economic Development
next meeting Aug 27 at 5:30 PM
desire to draft RFP to submit to the council in early Sept
The RFP would reserve a portion of the land for a monument to recognize Horace Mann.
This proposal was effectively brought forth in the Gateway Committee response.


school safety signs for the some of the schools, thanks for our legislators to get this

St Rocco's is this weekend

Padula - recycling center, 40 people came in Sunday the first day it was open
over 100 on Saturday
no trash, expecting it to get busy

Vallee - what is the status with Cottage/Union
Nutting - we are in discussion with the railroad, they are headquartered in Jacskonville
Bissanti - have they mentioned any price?
Nutting - that would be subject of an executive session. They want a deed restriction. Historically, railroad property is not good property for re-use

Vallee - what about train station parking lot?
Nutting - I have escalated to Sen Spilka to ask her assistance to set a meeting. It is their liability. The platform needs to be fixed.

Padula - Judy and I are talking with the hospitals, we have a stroke awareness session coming to the Senior Center in October

Kelly - 1st meeting for Sep discussion on special permitting

Pfeffer - Citizens advisory committee wants to appoint tow more members
Nutting - put it on the next agenda

Vallee - can you watch the parking enforcement?
Williams - it is tight regulations, citizens feel entrapped where it is implemented

Jones - Great to see the recycling center was open Sunday, Councilor Padula was there

Kelly - thanks for the work at the transfer station
thanks to Councilor Mercer, for the good work on the school, how good it looks

Mercer - 1st and formost some misconceptions on the old high school
anything that was in the school that could be used in the new school, in the system, or in another school or to a non-profit have been, things that were seen were damaged beyond repair. The dumpster was supposed to be there and didn't arrive, so the items were exposed

90-95% of the existing building will be recycled in some form, they separate the components, recycled in different ways, which is all done by the contractor and part of the bid when he bid on the high school

Jones - how about the budget?
Mercer - we remain on budget and I am confident that we will come in on or under budget and open on time

Vallee - we have 6-7 custodians for the building?
I am concerned about the size of the building,

Nutting - the new school is smaller than the old building, the materials are different
our buildings are in excellent shape, we need to let it open and see what happens, everything is under warranty for the first year

Pfeffer - we would like to see a maintenance plan for the new building
Mercer - I'll get that and bring it to the next meeting
all of the custodians moved to the new high school and have been getting weeks of training on the new school and systems in the school, they will have been in the facility 5-6 weeks before school opens
The facility manager estimated the increase of one, there are more controls with more than 50 cameras
8 more core classrooms, but the overall building is smaller

motion to adjourn, passed 8-0

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