Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Panther has arrived !!!

The panther statue has been installed among the new fields on the ground of Franklin High School. I captured these photos on my walk last weekend. The panther statue is a gift from the Graci Family in memory of their daughter Kristen Graci, a 2007 graduate of FHS who died at 21 from complications with leukemia.

(If you are not familiar with the story, you can fill in some details herehere and here.)

Suffice to say that the trials and tribulations that occurred along the way to bring the panther to this position are not unlike that experienced by any of the FHS athletes in the course of their time wearing the blue and white colors of FHS. 

The way was paved with ups and downs, twists and turns, logic and not so, and multiple conversations. Some lessons were learned, some accomplishments were significant, some will last more than others. Just like life.

Now the panther is properly placed to serve as a reminder of the FHS athlete creed "Franklin athletes never quit."

Panther among the new ball fields at FHS
Panther among the new ball fields at FHS

Panther among the new ball fields at FHS 1
Panther among the new ball fields at FHS 1

Panther among the new ball fields at FHS 2
Panther among the new ball fields at FHS 2

Panther among the new ball fields at FHS 3
Panther among the new ball fields at FHS 3

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