"On behalf of the Franklin Town Council, it is my pleasure to submit our annual report for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015.
The Town Council remains busy and committed to serving the best interest of all the citizens of our community. I am proud to report on several matters including the opening of our New High School. Congratulations to the High School Building Committee and all of our citizens that made the project a true success. It will serve our students for generations to come.
Other projects that were completed include the reconstruction of Lincoln and Daniels Streets, water main replacement on several roads, and the sidewalk on Panther Way.
We appointed committees to complete the second floor of the senior center and to make improvements to our historic library.
We dedicated a playground at Fletcher Field funded by the Commonwealth. We purchased and demolished a house at 92 Wachusett Street to expand parking for Fletcher Field, and bought 19 acres of land off of Lincoln Street to provide recreation opportunities and access to the Charles River.
The downtown project is finally underway and we sold the old municipal building at 150 Emmons Street for commercial development. We included in the sale a small green space and for a statue of Horace Mann a Franklin native and considered to be one of the founders of public education in America.
We supported the citizens group for solar energy as well as the group looking to establish a cultural district in Franklin.
In closing, we will continue to work for you, the Citizen, and the Community we all share. You can be assured that you have dedicated, competent, and professional individuals working and volunteering their time on your behalf.
Again we thank our Town Administrator, Jeff Nutting, for his dedication to the Town of Franklin through good times and tough times, and all of the Town employees who help to make this community a great place to live and work.
On behalf of my fellow councilors, Andrew Bissanti, Robert Dellorco, Brett Feldman, Matthew Kelly, Thomas Mercer, Peter Padula, Judith Pfeffer, Robert Vallee, and Stephen Williams, I want to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to serve this great community.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Vallee
Chairman, Franklin Town Council"
The Fletcher Field tot lot as mentioned was dedicated in Dec 2014 |
"Prior to November 1 of each year, the Town Clerk shall cause to be prepared and made available to the inhabitants of the Town an annual report for the preceding fiscal year which shall include: the annual Town budget, the reports of all Town officers, the records of all Town Council bylaw amendments and resolutions, an abstract of births, marriages and deaths, and the wages, salaries, or other compensation of all Town employees." [Added 5-2-2012 by Bylaw Amendment 12-681]http://ecode360.com/10432729?highlight=annual%20report,reports,annual,report#10432729
Shared from the full and complete PDF version of the Town of Franklin Annual Report for 2015
Additional info on the tot lot can be found here
Additional info on each of the Town Council meetings reported on can be found here
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