Saturday, April 8, 2017

Voices of Franklin: Sarah Mabardy on the proposal for Summer St rezoning

Dear Town Council,

As a Franklin resident, I am reaching out to express my opposition to the proposed zoning changes for the Summer Street property. While I appreciate a private land owner's desire to maximize personal gain from privately owned land, it is my opinion that the Franklin Town Council and Planning Board should not be complicit in making opportunistic changes that directly contradict the Franklin Master Plan and compromise Franklin's finite resources and infrastructure.

As outlined in Jeff Nutting's letter to council in October 2016 in response to this very subject, there are over 800+ units proposed in Franklin in the not so distant future. Administrator Nutting asks "Does the Town Council want to maintain the zoning plan adopted in the Master Plan or make changes to the plan?" I would amend this question to ask 'Does the Town Council represent the residents of Franklin in their desire to maintain the zoning plan adopted in the Master Plan or make changes to the plan?'

Please take this opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to serving the entire Franklin community in your role as an elected Town Councilor.

Thank you sincerely for your service and for your commitment to our city.

Sarah Mabardy

The Jeff Nutting letter referred to:

Sarah's letter was shared from Facebook with her permission

The recap of the Residential 7 zoning was covered in a 5 part Special Series published earlier this year

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Cook's Farm is being built  on RT 140 as the first Residential VII development in Franklin
Cook's Farm is being built  on RT 140 as the first Residential VII development in Franklin


  1. I agree with Sarah. I keep hearing they will put a 40 B there. If it remains acre zoning what would the point of that be? This is a money grab plan and simple. Remember in Nov when you vote.

    Ken Norman

    1. the threat is to put a 40B there... and build a thousand apartments, so accept this deal as the best it will get... The whole thing reeks. The mistake was opening the door in the first place with Res VII allowed anywhere other than downtown where it would make sense to do so

  2. Wasn't this R7 zoning recently rejected?. Why is this coming back up again so soon?

    1. Yes they did reject the R7 zoning but what is ridiculous is they the counsel is voting on allowing the developer and land owner to go back in front of the planning board and ask again to have the R7. There is a meeting on Wed. April 12th and we need as many attendee's as possible to stop this - please anyone who can attend and anyone who really cares about Franklin, our water supple, our children, our wildlife and the quality of life in franklin, please attend the meeting and let the counsel know this is crazy -they already voted this down and now they are ignoring the decision that was already made. We can't allow this in Franklin anymore and this makes our counsel look terrible. Good thing it's a voting year.
